Hear, Hear Rep Boehner (R): Cap & Trade – 5 Hours of Debate? (Video)

Some sanity makes it to the floor of the Congress…

And yes Mr. Boehner, the Congress should read and understand a bill BEFORE it is voted on.


Dereliction of Duty: Houses Passes Cap & Trade Without Reading

The question that every single citizen of these United States should be this: Why didn’t my representative read the bill he/she voted on?

Why indeed? What ever happened to push back? to reasonable, methodical accounting prior to legislating away the freedoms of the peoples of a country?

What was the rush? N. Pelosi’s pending vacation? or the slipping popularity of the President? or is the strategy simply to hit hard, hit fast before anyone gets an opportunity to take a breath and consider what is happening?

Oh. And just reported, the bill was not even in the well of the chamber as required by the House when voting on a bill. This bill was 1200 pages with a 300 page amendment added at 3AM.

Supreme Court Overturns Sotomayor Discrimination Ruling!

Yup. Seems that the SC nominee was a light weight in her opinion regarding the white CT fire fighters being denied a promotion because only 2 hispanics and no blacks passed the promotion exam…even though the exam was specifically designed to eliminate any discrimination. Seems that the outcome is all that matters, not the actual law for the appeals court judges.

Is this a further glimpse into Ms. Sotomayor’s qualifications?


Father Barron on Pres. Obama’s “The Audacity of Hope”

Interesting prospective on moral relativism and absolutism. The struggle to make the philosophy fit the stance.


Father Barron Video: On Corruption (Political as seen in Bible)

Interesting info about the inherit issues with power and politics, especially divorced from God.


Video: Timeline of Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac Worries


April 2003 – Bush Admin warns of financial issues via Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac if regulation not implemented
Sept 2003 – Barney Frank says worries about Fannie/Freddie was fanciful and blocks legislation to regulate
May 2005 – Greenspan warns of systemic financial risk of not regulating Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac after accounting screw-ups come to light
Charles Schumer (D) pushes back
May 2006 – McCain pressing for more regulation of Fannie & Freddie. House passes (all Dems vote against) Republicans don’t bring to Senate for vote.

How is Barney Frank on the Financial Services Committee?

Cap & Trade: New Tax, Federal Power Grab, Central Planning

    It is clear that cap-and-trade is very expensive and amounts to nothing more than an energy tax in disguise. After all, when you sweep aside all the complexities of how cap and trade operates–and make no mistake, this is the most convoluted attempt at economic central planning this nation has ever attempted–the bottom line is that cap and trade works by raising the cost of energy high enough so that individuals and businesses are forced to use less of it. Inflicting economic pain is what this is all about. That is how the ever-tightening emissions targets will be met.

Frightening analysis given by Ben Lieberman, Senior Policy Analyst for Energy and Environment in the Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at The Heritage Foundation.

    What are those costs? According to the analysis we conducted at The Heritage Foundation, which is attached to my written statement, the higher energy costs kick in as soon as the bill’s provisions take effect in 2012. For a household of four, energy costs go up $436 that year, and they eventually reach $1,241 in 2035 and average $829 annually over that span. Electricity costs go up 90 percent by 2035, gasoline by 58 percent, and natural gas by 55 percent by 2035. The cumulative higher energy costs for a family of four by then will be nearly $20,000.

Interesting timing on when the bill goes into effect – just AFTER the next Presidential election…

Look for loss of jobs, outsourcing to China & India (who will not impose energy caps), higher food prices due to the amount of energy needed for farming. Those impacted most? The poor in non-urban areas.


Obama, the African Colonial, by L.E. Ikenga for the American Thinker

In it’s entirety:

Had Americans been able to stop obsessing over the color of Barack Obama’s skin and instead paid more attention to his cultural identity, maybe he would not be in the White House today. The key to understanding him lies with his identification with his father, and his adoption of a cultural and political mindset rooted in postcolonial Africa.

Like many educated intellectuals in postcolonial Africa, Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. was enraged at the transformation of his native land by its colonial conqueror. But instead of embracing the traditional values of his own tribal cultural past, he embraced an imported Western ideology, Marxism. I call such frustrated and angry modern Africans who embrace various foreign “isms”, instead of looking homeward for repair of societies that are broken, African Colonials. They are Africans who serve foreign ideas.

The tropes of America’s racial history as a way of understanding all things black are useless in understanding the man who got his dreams from his father, a Kenyan exemplar of the African Colonial.

Before I continue, I need to say this: I am a first generation born West African-American woman whose parents emigrated to the U.S. in the 1970’s from the country now called Nigeria. I travel to Nigeria frequently. I see myself as both a proud American and as a proud Igbo (the tribe that we come from — also sometimes spelled Ibo). Politically, I have always been conservative (though it took this past election for me to commit to this once and for all!); my conservative values come from my Igbo heritage and my place of birth. Of course, none of this qualifies me to say what I am about to — but at the same time it does.
Continue reading

FANNIE & FREDDIE: Loosening Mortage Standards?

Barney Franks asks Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac to loosen lending standards – AGAIN? Isn’t that what created all the toxic debt which caused the recession we are in now???

    In March, Fannie Mae (FNM.N)(FNM.P) said it would no longer guarantee mortgages on condos in buildings where fewer than 70 percent of the units have been sold, up from 51 percent, the paper said. Freddie Mac (FRE.P)(FRE.N) is due to implement similar policies next month, the paper said.

    In a letter to the CEO’s of both companies, Representatives Barney Frank, the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, and Anthony Weiner warned that a 70 percent sales threshold “may be too onerous” and could lead condo buyers to shun new developments, according to the paper.

So much for prudent fiscal practices? or responsibility….

HOW is Mr. Frank still on the Financial Services Committee let alone the chairman?!

Taxes for Toads & Cambodian Education

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not equating the breeding of toads with the education of people. However, isn’t it an issue when we are suffering thru a recession, spending ourselves into China’s eternal debt, literally… that we should be tossing away money on toads or “non-family” members?

$100,000 for Wyoming Toad Breeding

$10,000,000 for Cambodia Education Improvement