Video: President Obama Bows to Saudi King – Update*

****Update: Pres. Obama denies bow. hm. really?
Politico Article

Video from American Thinker web site

I’m sure this is another reason the Obama Administration wants to get their hands on the internet. It is part of the demise of the left wing traditional media. What would we do if we were like China and couldn’t get to this material?

(no coverage starkly different than the NY Times’ coverage of Pres. Clinton’s treatment for a perceived bow to the Emperor of Japan.

Do NOT try and tell me this was unintended. It may have been a mistake on Obama’s part in the sense that he wouldn’t want anyone to see him bow to a Saudi King, but it is more likely ingrained in him from his Islamic education. He didn’t bow at the waist to the Queen of England. We all know he is too intelligent not to know how this looks.

Seems to be further proof of Obama’s disregard/disdain for America’s position in this world. And the Apology Tour continues…

Cap and Trade: Huge New Tax For Everyone

Video of Ben Stein on Glen Beck discussing the failure of Cap and Trade in Europe and the looming tax increase for every person in the US (yes even those who make under $250,000/yr)

Interesting note: around 2:00 mark – Obama’s crony to run Chicago Cap and Trade market.

Obama Breaks Another Pledge: What Armenian Genocide?

    President Obama on Monday declined to repeat his claim that the deaths of up to 1.5 million Armenians during World War I was a “genocide,” stepping back from his campaign pledge to Armenian Americans that the “widely documented fact” would be fully commemorated during his presidency.

    During a joint news conference alongside Turkish President Abdullah Gul, Obama said he did not want to “focus on my views” or in any way interfere with delicate negotiations between Turks and Armenians on what the president called “a whole host of issues.”

Hm. I thought it was a FACT. The Armenian genocide at the hands of the Turks. Why let facts cloud the discussion? And we wonder why the Israeli people are not to keen to remake history by ignoring the re-writing by the Iranians and Imanutjob.

Following the Money: White House TARP Ties

Larry Summers, top economic adviser to Pres Obama made:

  • $2,700,000 in speaking fees from Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, Merrill Lynch, Bank of America Corp. and the now-defunct Lehman Brothers (financial crisis anyone?)
  • $5.2 million last year from D.E. Shaw, a hedge fund for which he served as managing director from October 2006

Thomas E. Donilon, Obama’s deputy national security adviser was paid:

  • $3.9 million last year by the power law firm O’Melveny & Myers to represent clients, including two firms that received federal bailout funds: Citigroup and Goldman Sachs
  • he’s a member of the Trilateral Commission and sits on the steering committee of the supersecret Bilderberg group


Net Neutrality: Is the Internet the Next Victim of Big Gov’t?

American Thinker Article
It is interesting to look into the stimulus. There is so much of interest in the details:

  • President Obama’s infamous “stimulus” package includes a $7.2 billion grant to expand broadband service to rural areas.
  • The legislation’s provisions require carriers accepting government dollars to adhere to Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Net Neutrality guidelines that are currently under legal challenge.
  • Most troubling, however, is the fact that the bill empowers the FCC and National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to devise even more Net Neutrality rules for any Internet provider that accepts funds.
  • What is Net Neutrality? Continue reading

    Kudlow: Lurching Left, Treasury’s Uber Control

    So GM’s CEO was fired. And now the Gov’t after billions of dollars thrown at GM, wants to begin bankruptcy proceeding? Couldn’t we have saved some money and allowed this to happen months ago? Or would that have been to injurious to the unions? Want to bet that the government run bankruptcy will protect the unions?
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    Larry King: “Someone Needs to Think for the Masses”

    Great video.  Watch from about 4 min on.  At 5:34 great comment by Penn and 5:45ish Larry’s masses quote.  The only person really making sense is the magician/comedian, Penn Jillette.  Hear, hear Penn!

    To the inane point that it isn’t rational to want the President to fail:

    • did the liberals want GWB to succeed in Iraq? or did we miss all those calls to support the Pres in his efforts?
    • should a free people be rooting for a Pres wishing to fundamentally change the fabric of the country into a Socialist regime?
    • Since when is it not rational to be opposed to the President’s agenda? (I’m guessing since a liberal Democrat became President)

    Class Warfare 2: Pres Obama and the CEOs

    Let’s remember who is the President and therefore in charge of Private (oops, I mean Public.) enterprise.

    So now private institutions, private industry must bow down on bended knee in front of our President? This was specifically planned against by the founders. George Washington instituted limited terms. We have no king here. Do we have a dictator? a tyrant? If you don’t want to run the banks – let them give the money back.

      “These are complicated companies,” one CEO said. Offered another: “We’re competing for talent on an international market.”

      But President Barack Obama wasn’t in a mood to hear them out. He stopped the conversation and offered a blunt reminder of the public’s reaction to such explanations. “Be careful how you make those statements, gentlemen. The public isn’t buying that.”

      “My administration,” the president added, “is the only thing between you and the pitchforks.”

    Hm. So much for restraint and calm. Is the underlying threat is that the pitchforks are at my beck and call gentlemen?

    Obama’s Real Agenda: Fairness (the Equal Outcomes Kind)

    Charles Krauthammer points out in his article that Pres. Obama is interested in equalizing all peoples of the US out of fairness of course.

      Fairness through leveling is the essence of Obamaism. (Asked by Charlie Gibson during a campaign debate about his support for raising capital gains taxes — even if they caused a net revenue loss to the government — Obama stuck to the tax hike “for purposes of fairness.”)

    Interesting to note. My commentary from April 5th wonders where this notion of equal outcomes (aka fairness by liberals) became an American ideal? Here are some further excerpts from the article:
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    Vouchers: They Work, Dems Bow to Unions

    According to the WSJ Opinion page, President Obama pledged that if he saw more proof of vouchers success he would “not allow my predisposition to stand in the way of making sure that our kids can learn . . . You do what works for the kids.”

    Well here are some stats:

    • President Obama’s stimulus is sending some $100 billion to the nation’s school districts.
    • New York legislature last week froze funding for charters but increases it by more that $400 million for other public schools.

    Education Secretary Arne Duncan commented on the NYC voucher program: “Graduation rates are up. Test scores are up. Teacher salaries are up. Social promotion was eliminated. Dramatically increasing parental choice. That’s real progress.”

    The Opportunity Scholarship Program (D.C.) provides $7,500 vouchers to 1,700 low-income families in D.C. to send their children to private schools.

    • Ninety-nine percent of the children are black or Hispanic
    • There are more than four applicants for each scholarship
    • Children are reading nearly a half-grade ahead of their peers who did not receive vouchers
    • Voucher recipients are doing no better in math but they’re doing no worse.

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