DHS Nominee Sebelius Underreports Donations from Late Term Abortionist

Dept of Human Health and Services Secretary Nominee Kathleen Sebelius also

    significantly underreported the size of donations she received from a notorious late-term abortionist. Responding to questions from the Senate Finance Committee made public last week, Gov. Sebelius wrote that she received $12,450 from Kansas late-term abortionist Dr. George Tiller between 1994 and 2001, the Associated Press reports.

    However, records show Tiller gave at least $23,000 more between 2000 and 2002 to the Bluestem Fund, a political action committee established by Sebelius to raise money for fellow Democrats and her own campaigns.

Un-Biased Media Coverage? Prop 8 vs. Tea Parties

Coverage of California’s Prop 8 Protests:

  • NY Times: 11 stories
  • AP Story: noted 1,000 protesters
  • Nov. 16: 4,000 protesters at city hall
  • Washington Post: 8 stories
  • Big 3 TV Networks: 19 stories, mentioned 2,000 protesters
  • Coverage of Tea Party Protests, Feb 27 Protests in 50 events around the country with 30,000 attending:

  • Big 3 TV Networks: mentioned 3 time in passing
  • Washington Post: once in a brief
  • New York Times: 6 mentions, five of those have been to disparage and undermine them
  • Excerpt from Dan Gainor’s piece:
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    Def Sec Gates: No to Using SBX Radar to View North Korea Missile Launch

    So much for defense spending. Not even using or testing the tools we have…

      Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates denied permission for the U.S. Northern Command to use the Pentagon’s most powerful sea-based radar to monitor North Korea’s recent missile launch, precluding officials from collecting finely detailed launch data or testing the radar in a real-time crisis, current and former defense officials said.


    Paul Begala: Tax Day is the Proudest Day of American Lives?

    Paul Begala on Imus this morning. Suggested that Tea Parties are whining cry babies upset about writing a check when there are soldiers in Walter Reed Hospital without limbs.

    Perhaps it’s about waste. Begala suggests that all our taxes goes to Medicare, Defense and Welfare.

    Hmm. Maybe we should have the Federal gov’t spend money on our Defense and leave the rest to us.

    TEA Parties: The Left Dismisses Grass Roots Protest

    Interesting. The left dismisses whole cloth the idea that there is a non-partisan grass roots protest about to be unleashed on the country. No. It most likely won’t result in violence or destruction, most attending will most likely be grown-ups. But the left presumes to use horrendous sexual monikers (“teabaggers”) for those attending (I wonder if they would liken the original Tea Party in the same way? those folks actually tarred and feathered the tax collector.) in an effort to completely ignore a very real issue.

    The unfortunate aspect of being grown-ups, those protesting expect not to be covered, expect to be dismissed as crazy, expect not to be listened to…

    After all, does anyone know how many people marched on Washington DC for the “March for Life” (anti-abortion march) this year? It was 300,000 people. Every year more and more people march and it is a cursory news story every time. Compare that to the 10 tree huggers who show up to protest anything and every liberal “mainstream” media outlet carries it.

    I don’t know – you decide. Compare the two opinion pieces discussing the Tax Day Protests:

    Wall Street Journal: Tax Day Becomes Protest Day How the tea parties could change American politics

      Today American taxpayers in more than 300 locations in all 50 states will hold rallies — dubbed “tea parties” — to protest higher taxes and out-of-control government spending. There is no political party behind these rallies, no grand right-wing conspiracy, not even a 501(c) group like MoveOn.org.

    New York Times: Tea Parties Forever

      Beyond that, Republicans have become embarrassing to watch. And it doesn’t feel right to make fun of crazy people. Better, perhaps, to focus on the real policy debates, which are all among Democrats…

      Last but not least: it turns out that the tea parties don’t represent a spontaneous outpouring of public sentiment. They’re AstroTurf (fake grass roots) events, manufactured by the usual suspects. In particular, a key role is being played by FreedomWorks, an organization run by Richard Armey, the former House majority leader, and supported by the usual group of right-wing billionaires. And the parties are, of course, being promoted heavily by Fox News.

    Libs know a thing or two about “AstroTurf” – but did you hear anyone calling MoveOn.org sponsored events AstroTurf? The difference here, these are spontaneous and those attending the Tea Parties actually vote and pay taxes…