US Stock Market Comes Close to 8,000: Thanks to Change in Mark to Market Rule

Lest you are confused by the Obama administration’s claim that the G20 marked some turning point in the world economy – remember that they have conveniently and quietly changed the “Mark to Market” rules changing the way much of the “toxic” debt is valued. This changes balance sheets overnight people.

Be wary of Obama bearing Ipods, Globalization & a New World Order.

GOP Budget Unveiled

Not that you’ll see it reported anywhere, but yes the GOP came up with an answer to the President’s Budget: GOP Budget
Some highlights to the plan as detailed in the Heritage Foundation’s email Morning Bell:

    House Budget Committee ranking member Paul Ryan (R-WI) offered a clear alternative that does make hard choices. Heritage analyst Brian Riedl details what Ryan’s budget does:

    * Freezes non-defense, non-veterans discretionary spending at its current level for five years.
    * Reforms entitlement programs like Medicare and Medicaid, which are currently growing 8 percent annually.
    * Takes back stimulus spending that would be spent in 2010 and beyond, when the recession is expected to be over.
    * Places a moratorium on earmarks until the system can be cleaned up.

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Obama’s Ego: HUGE! (an IPOD for the Queen with Obama’s Speeches Inc!)

Are you really kidding me? The DVD thing was bad enough… but and IPOD of the Queen’s visit to the US in 2007, show tunes and of course Obama’s Inaguration speech and pics! That and his arm around Gordon Brown in his “I’m in charge way” makes me long for the good old BJ Clinton days. After all, you knew you could distract him with a chubby 20 year old in a skirt.

Maybe we should get some mirrors and use that to lure this guy back into the Oval Office, let him be preoccupied like Narcissus in the pool…

Article 1

Oh, and just for a little arrogance reminder – check the pic in this Article 2. Obama has his arm around Brown as he leads him out of a room – just like he did to President Bush before he left office.

Remember – everyone else is beneath him.

New World Order, Bank CEO’s Watch Out: Deal With the Devil…

In an effort to be viewed as fair and equitable, a bank CEO is going to be on the chopping block. Conservatives would suggest that perhaps the Union should be on the chopping block too.

President Obama’s globalist adventure continues:

    …an increasingly confident Geithner predicted the “strongest coordinated global response” in generations would help revive the world’s fractured economy…”And that’s why it’s so important that we’re moving together with the world to try to make sure we bring recovery back. And the world is with the president on this.”

It’s a World Order thing..


Canada: Silencing the Pulpit in the name of Political Correctness

Canada has legalized gay marriage and made it a “hate crime” to preach against it. An evangelical pastor, Stephen Boisson, was fined $5,000 and told to apologize and to stop preaching against gay marriage.

    While agreeing that Boisson’s letter was not a criminal act, the government tribunal nevertheless ordered the Christian pastor to “cease publishing in newspapers, by email, on the radio, in public speeches, or on the internet, in future, disparaging remarks about gays and homosexuals.” Moreover, the tribunal’s decision “prohibited [Boisson] from making disparaging remarks in the future” about the activist who filed the complaint and witnesses who supported the complaint. Many of Canada’s religious leaders and civil libertarians have expressed concern that the government’s human rights tribunals are interpreting any criticism of homosexual activism as ‘disparaging’.

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Health Care & Prisons

$3,000,000 for 9 People Over 6 Years in the ER

Nine people made 2,678 visits to the ER in Austin, TX over six years. Seven of the patients are mentally ill and eight are drug addicts and three are homeless. If you work it out, it averages $4,630/per person per month for six years. Or $3,000,000. The article doesn’t mention if these folks are legal residents. Continue reading

New Politics? “Don’t think we’re not keeping score, brother,”

What our esteemed President Obama said to moderate Democrat Rep. Peter DeFazio in a closed-door meeting of the House Democratic Caucus last week.


Was this the “change we can believe in?” But I suppose a little roughing up your peeps is part of ensuring your “change” gets through? the ends justify the means. Again.

Not sure how I’d feel if the entire Democrat apparatus (, DNC, Americans United for Change, etc) were pointed at my head. No pressure. Just a little chat about how things should be done – right?

The old saying goes “With friends like these…”
